Monday, August 25, 2014

Loving The Little Things In Life


I had a moment in the grocery store today that just made my day! A little girl was sitting in a shopping cart while her mother pushed. As they walked by me, the young girl (who couldn't have be more then six) starred at me for a second before growing a big smile. She gave me a little wave and the second I noticed she was waving, I gave her a warm smile and waved back. Her reaction was incredible, she giggled a little and waved at me again. It made me think about the little things, that we normally take for granted, are what makes me happier than anything. in daily life, there are thousands upon thousands of small, unnoticed, wonderful things that just happen or are there.

noticing small things has made me so much more thankful for everything. it makes me happy to be alive because i live in a world where all these things happen and exist. i have told myself to pay attention to detail because everything matters, everything has a purpose, you just don't always think about it like that. it has provided me with a new insight to every day life, and i hope it does the same for you, if you try this.

so i thought i would build up a master list of small, wonderful things for you guys to try and notice. all of these are just things that i try to notice, or have thought about.

; breathing. - such a miracle. take deep breaths. notice the difference between the taste of air from outdoors, to indoors, to city, to countryside.
; sunlight on your skin - the soft and warm feeling, its like a smile from your skin from the earth.
; the scent of burning candles.
; the way ink runs out of your pen.
; the click each letter makes when you are typing on a keyboard or typewriter.
; very small flowers.
; every blade of grass.
; your food.
; the small hairs on the back of your neck.
; smiling.
; speaking. - simple as that. your [ and other people’s ] throat is literally vibrating and making noises which you as a human can understand. isn't that a wild thought?
; that voice inside your head. - without it, i think we would not be humans, but its who we are. maybe say thank you to that voice sometime, they do a lot of hard work.
; the smell of cooked food.
; your bed.
; reading.
; puddles.
; the bending of your elbows. - another miracle i just can't coherently understand.
; the feeling of carpet under your feet.
; the ability to wiggle your toes.
; all the stones in tarmac/concrete.
; trees.
; how your feet hold all of you up.
; the way clothes feel on your skin.
; clouds. - bundles of what? air and gas! and yet we can see them. amazing.
; time.
; cutlery.
; paper.
; footsteps.
; having a home. - some people don’t have a home to appreciate, so do them a favour and appreciate yours twice as much for them :)
; your friends.
; the journey from home to school.
; your parents. - sometimes this is hard, but they only want the best. they do love you, no matter what you may think.
; the sour and sweet flavors.

thats all i could think of for now, but that doesn't mean thats everything. appreciate / e v e r y l i t t l e t h i n g / because thats the way it works.

thank you!

♥ olivia

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